Plans to move Lancaster Visitor Information Centre into City Museum being considered

City Museum in Lancaster.City Museum in Lancaster.
City Museum in Lancaster.
Plans to move Lancaster’s Visitor Information Centre (VIC) into the City Museum are being considered by the city council.

The proposal would see the VIC move from its current location at The Storey in Meeting House Lane, after having previously moved from a building in Castle Hill.

Lancaster City Council said the relocation to the museum in Market Square would cost “in the region of £69,000”.

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But it said there would a return on the investment through “efficiency savings, expected increase in footfall into both the museum and LVIC and increased income from retails sales and the possibility of a new small scale catering offer”.

The Storey in Lancaster.The Storey in Lancaster.
The Storey in Lancaster.

The investment would include the cost of a dual purpose reception area being located on part of the ground floor and additional small-scale exhibition space being created within the building.

City Museum collections would also be displayed in other buildings including The Storey Gallery for exhibitions.

A council spokeswoman said that a feasibility study is currently being undertaken by officers, and once this has been completed, a decision on the proposal can be made by councillors.